Innovile-telecommunication-solutions-smart-services-powering Mobile:cellular Son Network Transformation With Son Solutions

Powering mobile/cellular SON network transformation with SON solutions

Self Organizing Networks (commonly referred to as SON networks) are not new in the mobile/cellular telecommunications sector. But not everyone adopts them. Here we’ll highlight some of the benefits readily attainable through a SON network transformation and why it makes sense to join the increasing volume of telecoms network operators adopting SON.

What is a SON network?

A SON network is a mobile/cellular network that includes Self Organizing Network (SON) elements or is augmented with a SON solution. Newer network technologies (such as Open RAN/ORAN) include components to help deliver some SON network objectives: quality of service, capacity optimization, fault detection and cure, energy savings, and network performance management.

What is the difference between inherent SON network components and SON solution augmentation?

Many network vendors provide elements that help automate network operations. Some even provide a SON solution component to help improve the performance of their network components. However, vendor-specific SON functions tend to be focused on vendor equipment and can ignore the bigger picture where multi-vendor networks are in play. At the very least, it can be costly to integrate with third-party technology and platforms.

On the other hand, SON solutions (like Innovile’s INNTELLIGENT), can sit across the entire mobile/cellular network landscape and account for all SON objectives in all vendor technologies. Apart from increased scope of coverage, and therefore enhanced benefits, the other big advantage of a SON network solution augmentation approach is the ability to quickly and cost-effectively ‘plug and play’ with legacy and new network elements. A SON solution will also amplify the benefits of any vendor-specific SON components by optimizing the whole.

How does a SON solution drive mobile/cellular network transformation?

One of the challenges for any telecoms mobile/cellular network CTO is having to optimize legacy, current, and future network performance, plans, and spend. Competition is tight, customer expectations are high, and budgets must be managed. C-level stakeholders push to keep costs down, revenues up, and customers happy. A well-considered network transformation strategy is often the answer for many CTOs.

SON solutions provide an excellent framework to deliver network transformation. Vendor and technology agnostic, SON software solutions provide a single thread to:

  • Optimize legacy architecture, which ensures a better customer experience with reduced spending, permitting flexibility in the timing and scope of network upgrades.
  • future-proof performance and budgeting with the assurance that the same SON solution can adapt to any current or future changes, reducing OPEX and CAPEX costs throughout.

Let’s be clear: network transformation is a journey, not a destination. It is continuous, and its approach will respond to changing customer demands, competitive behavior, technological evolution, and other environmental factors. Remember, today’s new is tomorrow’s legacy. Having a SON solution-based approach to network transformation, as opposed to a vendor-centric approach, enables a landscape-wide perspective that will endure at lower costs and with greater flexibility throughout the journey.

A major factor in the network transformation journey is the people. The expertise in designing, implementing, managing, and optimizing the network. With a SON solution approach, everything is simplified. Streamlining the tools needed to make everything work better, largely autonomously in operations, means expertise and resources can be consolidated. Things can be done faster, with higher quality, at lower cost. We often see 50-80% resource savings come through from across the network engineering and operations functions. That efficiency can manifest as a cost saving, or as refocused resources to drive customer retention and growth.

What are the main mobile/cellular network evolution drivers to consider?

Open RAN (ORAN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) continue to drive CTO capability to select the best components to suit strategy rather than rely on single vendor landscapes and ‘making do’. The increasing prevalence of normalized cloud and standardized API-based functions and network elements means the ‘off the shelf’ approach to network orchestration is within reach.

A SON network using SON solution augmentation fits this strategy well by enabling any new or changing technology and operational demands to be adopted quickly and cost-effectively, no matter the vendor. One platform to optimize and automate across the network.

Considering network transformation with a SON network solution?

Innovile’s INNTELLIGENT SON solution combines decades of experience from our global client footprint with continuous innovation in Self Organizing Network features and functions. If you want to be assured of a successful network transformation using a SON network approach, get in touch, and we’ll show you how experience and great software combine to deliver the goals on your journey.


A proven, large scale SON solution to make even the most complex networks easy to manage.

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