Innovile Configuration Management

Simplify Network Management with Automation-Driven Innovile CM

Evolving capacity requirements and new technologies like IoT, SDR, vRAN, 5G and OpenRAN are making network management and optimization increasingly complex. With multiple vendors and technologies in play, it is not always easy or cost-effective to simplify. Making it easy requires a lot of innovation to mask real complexity.

Our objective as a solution provider is to make our solutions simpler to run by handling real complexity in the backend. Configuration Management is one of the main challenges of the operators. Configuration Management is a process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a network\’s performance. Innovile offers a comprehensive and cost-effective CM solution to simplify this critical process.

In traditional Configuration Management, multiple vendors or in-house tools are used to manage the network. Instead of this, Innovile CM enables clients to have a single point of contact with the whole network and allows commands to be executed independently from the vendors, thus reducing management complexity and the hidden costs of having multiple management tools and expertise needed for them. With advanced user role and node management capabilities, operators could provide access to users for only required nodes and functionalities. This access type is the safest access model for the operators to manage their OSS/NMS activities.

Vendor modeling and layered solution architecture are used to simplify this complex multi-vendor and multi-technology environment. Modeling enforces service isolation and provides simplicity and stability.

Because each layer is separate, managing each layer is easier than having to work on the entire architecture.

With this simplified comprehensive solution, the next phase is automation. Automation could deliver increased productivity and consistency by eliminating routine or repetitive manual tasks and human errors.

Many issues in the network require quick fixes to prevent causing problems for the customers. For these kinds of issues, end to end automation is possible since it does not require any manual triggering. One of the examples is Innovile CM «Zero-Touch» Auto-Correction Feature which finds and fixes inconsistencies in the network and provides automated parameter compliance enforcement.

The majority of the configuration change activities performed in OSS/NMS systems are related to operational tasks like node integrations, feature activations, node upgrades, and such. To determine the level of automation and which processes are suitable for it, there are multiple factors to consider like benefits and capabilities along with an evaluation of all process steps. Operation functions defined in the Innovile CM platform provide easy and secure cross-vendor task performing capabilities with scheduling and task flow management for Network Operation Center engineers. The platform can automate functions that require an end to end precise function planning with related engineering groups. With this capability, automation is completed for several functions by just removing manual inputs or by adding complex algorithms according to the requirement of the function.

Automation is all about simplifying day-to-day recurring activities. Regardless of the size of the network, introducing automation can prove to be a winning strategy. A successful automation journey relies on the provider\’s automation experience and Innovile can provide remarkable digital transformation for the Configuration Management processes.

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